Why Do We Love Music

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Music has a way of “moving” us – emotionally, physically, and spiritually. But what exactly is happening in our brains when we listen to a song that we love, and how does it correlate to how we feel?  Scientists have shown through research that the organization of sounds over time has deep effects on the brain. The chemical that’s released in our brain when we listen to our favorite songs, dopamine, is also released when we anticipate pleasure from things like sex and romance. Moreover, they’ve shown that different styles of music correspond with effecting different parts of the brain. The history of our music memory creates pathways that light up whenever we hear a song that’s similar to something we’ve heard before. This implies that our music tastes are determined by the unique ways our individual brains are wired, so to speak. The emotional response that music produces is furthermore linked to the notion that a listener feels empathy towards a performer. It’s been shown that our ability to predict where a certain song is going is greater when the song is played emotionally by a human, rather than mechanically by a robot or computer. This means that our connection to music has a uniquely human aspect, surrounding our ability to relate to others. Because of this, many researchers also believe music plays a role in strengthening social bonds. Check out “Is Music Important In A Relationship?” to learn more!

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